Машина за обележување

Your label is the face of your product. It’s what attracts your customer to choose your product. Getting your labeling done right, every time is very important for your business. At VKPAK we know you depend on machines that are precise and accurate, providing fast and efficient results. We know that when you have questions, you need answers fast, from people who know your machines.

VKPAK manufactures a wide variety of labeling equipment to automatically place and secure most label types onto a wide assortment of container types. VKPAK labeling machines utilize the latest technologies to achieve the highest speeds and most accurately labeled bottles on the market.

When you get a labeling machine from VKPAK, you will have a direct line to the same people who designed and assembled your machines. We are here to provide service long after the sale. When you partner with VKPAK, you become a part of our business. Choose the company that has been assembling and designing machines for over 10 years. Why choose a foreign corporation that only offers one-size-fits-all solutions? VKPAK will provide you with custom solutions and personal service. That’s the In-Line difference!

Како стручни производители на опрема за обележување, ние нудиме широк спектар на машини за обележување кои ќе ги задоволат вашите потреби. Тие работат беспрекорно со другите наши системи, така што ќе можете да имате комплетна линија за склопување што ќе го подготви вашиот производ да се испорачува брзо и совршено, секој пат. Со разноврсност на нашите машини, можете да ја прилагодите вашата единица да го исполни вашиот специфичен процес.